European Social Fund Monitoring Committee

The Monitoring Committee monitors and follows up the implementation of the European Social Fund Plus (EFS+) 2021–2027 in Sweden.

The Monitoring Committee consists of representatives of public authorities, the business community and labour market parties, research institutes and higher education institutions and relevant bodies representing civil society, including those that promote social inclusion, fundamental rights, the rights of people with disabilities, gender equality and non-discrimination. The Government appoints the chair of the committee and decides which public authorities and other organisations should be represented. Representatives of the European Commission participate in the work of the committee in a supervisory and advisory capacity.

Among other things, the Monitoring Committee is tasked with reviewing the implementation of Sweden’s EFS+ Operational Programme and satisfying itself that the programme is being implemented efficiently and to a high level of quality. The committee is also responsible for supervising the completion of the national ESF Operational Programme 2014–2020 for growth and jobs.

Programme 2014–2020 for growth and jobs. Appointed organisations and members

Chair: Elin Landell

Ministry of Employment: Åsa Bergqvist

European Commission: Adelina Dos Reis and Alexandra Kirgios


Organisations and members of the ESF Monitoring Committee 2021–2027

Organisation: Member: Alternate:
Swedish Public Employment Service
Maria Kindahl Emil Johansson
Swedish Agency for Government Employers Emil Lindström (Föräldraledig) Karin Berglind
Coompanion Marita Öberg-Molin Gordon Hahn
Equality Ombudsman (DO)  Anna Ericsson Ann Frisell
Swedish National Council of Adult Education Anna-Carin Bylund Linda Rosén. Magnus Wetterberg (tjänstledig)
FORTE  Ulla Wallin Anna-Karin Florén
Fremia Patrik Schröder Karin Liljeblad
Swedish Federation of Business Owners
Petra Örjegren Marie Axtelius
Swedish Social Insurance Agency
Carina Hagelin Kjällman Sofia Gagnert
Swedish Disability Rights Federation 
Marina Carlsson Nicklas Mårtensson
Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU)
Sara Martinsson Ulrika Vikman
Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO)
Mattias Schulstad Linnea Magro
Malmö University
Charlotte Ahlgren-Moritz Sara Bjärstorp
Swedish Migration Agency
John Gunnarsson Johanna Lensell Rebillon
Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (MUCF)
Johan Lycke Emma Hansson
Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education
Sofia Karlsson Carina Wilhelmsson
Region Gävleborg
Ida Thunholm Niclas Cronsell
Region Norrbotten Roger Ylinenpää Kenneth Sjaunja
Swedish Sports Confederation (RF)
Marie Denitton Mattias Hjelmberg
Riksföreningen Sveriges stadsmissioner Åsa Bengtsson Jonas Wihlstrand
Save the Children Sweden
Alexandra Fritzon Sakina Sakerwalla
Swedish National Agency for Education
Helen Myslek Anders Duvkär
National Board of Health and Welfare
Sofia Lidén Hillevi Andersson
Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR)
Gunnar Anderzon Ulrica Runemar
Swedish Red Cross
Johanna Saunders Vakant
Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
Carina Lindfelt Patrik Karlsson
Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth
Ulf Savbäck Åsa Lövelius Kebert
Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees (TCO)
Håkan Gustavsson Lena Orpana
Swedish Council for Higher Education
Malin Jönsson Nichlas Malmdahl



Working Committee

The role, assignment and composition of the Working Committee are regulated in Section 4.1 of the Monitoring Committee’s Rules of Procedure.

Working Committee

The role, assignment and composition of the Working Committee are regulated in Section 4.1 of the Monitoring Committee’s Rules of Procedure.

Members of the Working Committee of the Monitoring Committee

Paul Andersson, Swedish Public Employment Service

Marita Öberg Molin, Coompanion

Anna Ericsson, Equality Ombudsman (DO)

Marina Carlsson, Swedish Disability Rights Federation

Sofia Gagnert, Swedish Social Insurance Agency

Mattias Schulstad, Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO)

Alexandra Fritzon, Save the Children Sweden

Gunnar Anderzon, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR)

Håkan Gustavsson, Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees (TCO)

Sara Martinsson, Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU) (co-opted on evaluation matters)

Åsa Bergqvist, Ministry of Employment (co-opted)

Jenny Glumoff, Swedish ESF Council (co-opted)


Role and assignment

The role and assignment of the Monitoring Committee are regulated in Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 and the national ESF+ Operational Programme. The Monitoring Committee decides on the rules of procedure for the committee’s decision-making process, the formalities of meetings, etc. 


The Monitoring Committee usually meets four times a year on a weekday.

During 2024, the committee will meet on the following dates:

  • 7 mars
  • 21 maj
  • 8 oktober
  • 3 december

The Working Committee meets roughly four weeks before each Monitoring Committee meeting. During 2024, the Working Committee will meet on the following dates:

  • 8 februari
  • 22 april
  • 9 september
  • 4 november


The task of assisting the Monitoring Committee is one of the Swedish ESF Council’s core assignments pursuant to Ordinance (SFS 2007:907) with instructions for the Council of the European Social Fund in Sweden. This assignment is discharged through a function called the Secretariat of the Monitoring Committee.

Pursuant to the Monitoring Committee’s rules of procedure, among other duties the secretariat is responsible for preparing meeting documents, agendas, minutes and reports to the committee in consultation with the chair.

Secretariat of the Monitoring Committee:

Insight into the work of the Monitoring Committee

Agendas and minutes are examples of the official documents that describe matters dealt with at meetings of and the decisions reached by the Monitoring Committee.

Requests to access official documents should be sent to

Governance documents

The governance documents that regulate European Structural and Investment Funds are mainly decided on by the European Commission and the Swedish Government.

Table of contents