European Social Fund Plus 2021–2027

The Swedish ESF Council administers the European Social Fund Plus (EFS+), one of the European Union’s most important instruments. ESF+ creates opportunities for regional development and the development of individuals, organisations and businesses throughout Sweden. It helps people to get work or to obtain skills that are in demand on the labour market. Sweden’s ESF+ Operational Programme has six priority areas in which local, regional and national actors can apply for funding for projects that contribute to an inclusive labour market.
We work for an inclusive labour market. Throughout Sweden. We do so by funding projects that reduce unemployment and develop skills, thereby creating growth and strengthening everyone’s position – including future generations.
The Operational Programme’s six priority areas
During the period 2021–2027, local, regional and national actors may apply for funding for projects in one of five priority areas:
A: Increase opportunities for an inclusive and sustainable working life for all
Initiatives in this programme area may be targeted at either the unemployed or those who already have a job but need to develop their skills. With new methods and approaches, initiatives can also be targeted at organisations. Together, we can support lifelong learning and increase opportunities job opportunities, contributing to growth and a sustainable working life.
Grants in Programme Area A will be decided at both national and regional level.
*The requirement for cofinancing in North Mid Sweden is 40 per cent, as this is designated as a transition region under the EU Cohesion Policy.
B Increase job opportunities
Initiatives in this programme area may be targeted at jobseekers registered with the Swedish Public Employment Service who need help to meet the challenges and obstacles to work or education. This can include guidance, job placement services and support for jobseekers. Together, we can help people to obtain skills that are in demand on the labour market.
Grants in Programme Area B can only be applied for by the Swedish Public Employment Service and are decided at national level.

C: Reducing the risk of long-term low-income
Initiatives in this programme area must contribute to an inclusive society. For adults, to bring them closer to obtaining work and being able to support themselves and their families. And for children from six years and up, to ensure secure schooling and reduce the risk of dropping out of school. Together, we can give people greater opportunities to work and study, and to participate in society.
Grants in Programme Area C are decided at national level.
D: Increase capacity in rural areas
Initiatives in this programme area are targeted at rural areas of Upper and Mid Norrland. They may contribute to strengthening local and regional structures, and to development and cooperation between different organisations. But they may also be targeted directly at individuals who need training, work placements or support in coming closer to the labour market. Together, we can help to compensate for regional challenges such as long distances, low population density and an aging population.
Grants in Programme Area D are decided at regional level.
E: Social innovation
Initiatives in this programme area are intended to identify novel solutions that can meet the challenges to social inclusion and access to the labour market and education. These may advantageously be implemented in partnership with other actors in the private, public or third sector. Together, we can deliver social services that contribute to method development, cross-sectoral collaboration and new mindsets.
Grants in Programme Area E are decided at national level.
F: Fast Care: Support for Ukrainian refugees
Initiatives in this programme area are targeted at people covered by the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive. This can include job matching, skills mapping, supplementing existing skills, information on Swedish society, counselling or courses in the Swedish and English languages. Together, we can help Ukrainian refugees to obtain work and to participate in Swedish society while they are seeking refuge in Sweden.
Grants in Programme Area F are decided at national level.

Horizontal principles
All ESF+ projects in Sweden must comply with three fundamental principles in order to achieve the goal of a sustainable and inclusive working life. These are called the horizontal principles. They are:
- gender equality;
- accessibility for people with disabilities; and
- non-discrimination.
You can find the Operational Programme in its entirety here:
The Swedish ESF Council invites applications in various calls for proposals. Each call is open for a certain period during which you can submit applications for project funding. The purpose of this is to ensure an application process in which all applicants compete on equal terms.
You can learn more about the application process from call to decision i Swedish.
Have you decided to apply for a project grant? You will find a step-by-step guide to the application process in Swedish.
A results-based approach increases the chance of achieving objectives
It is important that projects achieve the objectives set at the start of the project. To increase the chance that they will do so, all projects must adopt a results-based approach. Among other things, this means that you must follow up, evaluate and learn from interventions over the course of the project. In simple terms, results-based management means acting and reaching decisions based on available information. This will increase your ability to achieve the desired results.
Contact our regional offices
Uncertain whether your project qualifies for funding from ESF+?
Webinars on ESF+
We have held a number of webinars on our different programme areas since the launch of ESF+. You can watch videos of each webinar in its entirety. All webinars are in Swedish.