We promote skills development, employment and integration.

The Swedish ESF Council, has been a Swedish authority since 2000. We work on behalf of the Ministry of Employment.

This website is not translated in its entirety. Swedish is one of the EU’s official languages, which is why we have chosen to have a short summary of the Swedish ESF Council in English on our website.

We change the labour market

Through the funds, the Swedish ESF Council finances projects that work with skills development, employment measures and integration initiatives. The activities aim to reduce unemployment and exclusion, to strengthen Sweden’s long-term supply of skills and growth and to increase cohesion within the EU.

Our projects work with developing existing methods, developing alternative methods and testing new organizational forms and forms of collaboration. It provides new solutions, methods and working methods that can then be incorporated into ordinary labour market policies and welfare systems.

Our work is permeated by an ambition to combat discrimination and to increase gender equality. We also work actively with initiatives for increased accessibility for people with disabilities. We have also built up a unique competence when it comes to European cohesion policy and management of the EU’s structural fund programs and projects in Sweden.

Council of the European Social Fund in Sweden

The authority’s registered name is the Council of the European Social Fund in Sweden, but we use the name Swedish ESF Council in everyday speech.

Table of contents