Webinar: Supporting immigrant women to be included in the labour market

Två glada kvinnor samtalar och skrattar.The Swedish ESF-Council welcome you to this webinar about immigrant women’s inclusion in the labour market.

In general, unemployment is higher among foreign-born women in Europe compared to other target groups. Join and learn how four ESF-funded projects from Sweden, Finland and Germany are helping immigrant women finding a job, becoming self-sufficient or getting closer to the labour market.

This webinar is for you who are interested to know more about ESF+, transnational collaborations and the new initiative within the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region: BSR Integrate Now. For example: if you are working in an ESF-funded project, at a managing authority for ESF+ or in other organisations that meet immigrant women.

Thursday 27th March, kl: 9-11.45 (swedish time)


9.00 Introduction by the Swedish ESF-Council

9.10 Empowering self-sufficiency in Dalarna

9.35 Integration Support in Stockholm

10.00 Break

10.10 Ways into Work for Immigrated Women

10.35 Comprehensive Integration for Immigrant Parents

11.00 Break

11.10 EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region: BSR Integrate Now

11.30 Next step

Empowering self-sufficiency in Dalarna

Project: Egenmaktsarenan Dalarna

The primary goal of the Egenmaktsarenan Dalarna project is to support unemployed  participants in making significant strides towards achieving self-sufficiency. This initiative  focuses on providing the necessary tools, resources, and guidance to help individuals gain confidence and independence. The project is driven by the municipalities of Borlänge, Ludvika, Leksand, and Falun, in collaboration with Region Dalarna and Fornby Folkhögskola.

Read more about the project: Egenmaktsarenan Dalarna

Integration Support in Stockholm

Project: Etableringslyftet

The Etableringslyftet project aims to assist foreign-born long-term unemployed individuals and newly arrived immigrants in integrating into the Swedish labour market and society. This initiative offers tailored support, including job training and guidance in the Swedish society. The foundation for all the activities is based on the perspective of the target group. The project is led by the municipalities of Upplands Väsby, Sollentuna, and Sigtuna, in close cooperation with the Swedish Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) and regional employers.

Read more about the project: Etableringslyftet

Ways into Work for Immigrated Women

Project: WiA

The primary goal of the WiA – Ways into Work for Immigrated Women project is to offer support to women and mothers with an immigrant and migrant background in Hamburg who are not yet employed in accordance with their professional skills. This initiative offers support to promote their language and PC skills and provides information on the German education system and job market. Learn more about how we are empowering women to integrate into the workforce in Hamburg.

Read more about the project: WiA

Comprehensive Integration for Immigrant Parents

Project: From Home Towards Working Life

The From Home Towards Working Life project aims to strengthen the language skills and working life know-how of immigrant stay-at-home parents in Espoo through functional Finnish language training, career guidance, working life orientation, and other activities that support the well-being and sense of community among participants. Discover how we are facilitating comprehensive integration for immigrant parents.

Read more about the project: From Home Towards Working Life

EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region: BSR Integrate Now

Merle Andraschko, Policy Area Coordinator Education Policy Area Education of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region promotes access to equal education and training, and a well-functioning labour market in the Baltic Sea Region. Learn about innovative initiatives supporting the integration of migrants and refugees into the workforce through transnational cooperation.

Next step

Find other projects and organisations with Social Innovation Match+
Upcoming calls by the ESF+

If you have any questions please contact lina.kraft@esf.se


Sista anmälningsdatum har passerats för detta event.

Tid: torsdag 27 mars kl. 09:00–11:45

Regioner: Alla regioner

Plats: Digitalt

Sista anmälningsdatum: 2025-03-24

Antal anmälda: 162